Saturday, October 9, 2010

Telos of Perfection

Expulsion propulses my devotion to what who knows no one know what they’re doing they just go whatever direction the instinct begs of them and they run around like chickens with no heads pretending it’s all justified and they know what they’re doing like threes a reason or a direction were going but we zig zag into eternity and eventually till all fall apart like sandcastles, even the grains of sand will disintegrate eventually and that’s a fate we don’t want to face so were racing to stay alive it’s impossible we only prolong the inevitable but it’s good to prolong so we can enjoy it longer and that all we really want is to enjoy but we forget to do that when were racing, but the more we race the more time we have to enjoy its enigmatic in a way we just have to find the balance well that what the universe is all about if there is a telos the final end is in the balance and that’s why the grains will disintegrate because everything will be equally distributed uniform and united in its oneness and maybe that’s the way it already is underneath just when that happens on that level it bubbles up expressions of itself to the next and it peeks through into a new universe well who knows threes no way to say for sure what will or can happen in other worlds but if they can be and they’re anything thing like this one it’s possible that they bubble up all the time and it’s just ridiculous to think that we can know details beyond the scope of our perceptions because without that were just feeling around in the dark with no direction and no one knows what they’re doing they just go whatever direction their instincts beg of them well that’s not so different that the world we see now which really could be just shadows on the cave wall but that’s all we have and all we can see so we need to deal with that and that’s the only thing that’s real for us even if there is so much more out there, because maybe threes nothing else out there, but threes no way to know or argue much less a way to put it into words which are designed to transmit sensory perceptions and neural reactions and they do so imperfectly anyway so were confounded in our communications I wish we cloud send our thoughts more perfectly and eliminate the problems that come with it we would know that we are similar to others not just humans but animals who share our feelings and instincts and all are just feeling around blindly in the dark trying to live and feel happy and satisfied and comfortable and escape from pain and suffering and it’s all so cyclical and I can see why some people are so cynical and I can see why some people are so amazed at the complexity, but the simplicity, the elegance, all the elements coming together only later to fly apart, are we trying to find the parameters for a universe that can sustain life forever?

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